Re: bonsai forewer

—– Original Message —–
From: "manik" <[email protected]>
To: "Regina Celia Pinto" <[email protected]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 01, 2006 7:13 AM
Subject: bonsai forewer

> Hi Regina,
> We love you too.
> Humor is phase after so deep tragedy that only with
> laugh you could go further.For example:man suddenly fall.It's tragedy
> because
> he could break leg,or
> in better case ear,but we laugh and laugh…
> This with bonsai was kind of metaphor.I recognize wish of power nation,and
> their represent(not so power,but people on"position")in this case Marc, to
> let me know how wonderful is to
> be reduce,midget,and how exotic is bonsai art of making think small.
> I remember one of my student who hate bonsai.Best student's one who ride
> teacher(old Chinese or Japanese Zen sentence).Finally
> in one Freudian-Lacanian ecstasy of self analysis which was
> enlighten(actually)
> I find in my self (!) deep subconscious reason she hate(nice example of
> empathy)
> bonsai(because of Chinese old custom to squeeze woman's foot to death)and
> suddenly I take off this student from my neck.I feel free now
> I'm very sorry if noble chat(chit-chat)
> with Marc caused some misssunderstanding.We've put your Museum on
> Forum-SEECULTURA(we arange this part)on SEEcult Portal for South-Eastern
> Europe Culture.You could see here:
> Valia com dios!
> 8/1/06 3:26:32 AM,"Regina Pinto" <[email protected]>wrote:
> Dear friends,
> I would like to thank all of you for the excellent material I have now to
> essay (perhaps a book) I intend to write about listserver. In fact all of
> this was a performance that started last March, perhaps last December the
> idea has started to develop… As an anthropologist the behaviour of
> on the net has an amazing interest for me. During these four months I
> all the "nice" and metaphoric emails I have received. Sometimes I got
> with the reactions but I always think that I had to go ahead. Thank you
> but special thanks to Beate (I admire greatly your obstination! uauuuhr
> and Dirk and the Marie Antoinette creator (I love this!) and Manik, who I
> love deeply not only because of their works but because of their sense of
> humour and frankness. Valia com dios!
> In fact, since 2004, I have started to observe the listserver phenomena
> the deep communication among different lists. Is it I believe
> it is.
> What do you think?
> The other thing that moved me to do this is that people always discover in
> my works things (usually terrible) that were not in my mind while creating
> them. I imagine that if I sent today a work to rhizome which could be a
> black square and a white apple, people would see a symbol of terror or
> anything similar. I laugh when I saw the first page of rhizome today.
> I believe that I have to tell you that all of this is my idea and the same
> about my works and games, where you always see hidden intentions. I am the
> only GUILT for them, mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. Lately I
> created my other personality (a heteronymic, just like Fernando Pessoa)
> which adventures provokes a revolution at netartbehaviour and no reponse
> spectre. Why? I do not know. Now Holophagus is offline, but I intend to
> re-launch him with new adventures when the essay is ready. By the way
> I did not fall into a bonsay trap , I saw it but I thought that it was
> to discover my face because of some signs sent by Marc through his emails.
> It was not my intention to provoke problmes, only cyberdreams ;-).
> If someone is interested I should tell where I discover the idea of the
> holophagus and the origins of his name.
> To conclude I would like to invite you to make peace and sunshine in
> and around us. My apologies if my performance disturb your peace.
> Please, believe in me, I am not perfect as all human but I have kindness
> my heart, as everybody in rhizome, I am sure.
> Love you all,
> Regina Celia Pinto,
> Museum of the Essential and Beyond That
> Library of Marvels
> The latest old fashion works ;-) :
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