shit or excrement

I like way Rhizomers ignore MANIK'S insight in current situation in 'art-wo=
rld' .They're so disinterested that we thought-there must be something ugly=
in their mind,they are afraid to talk and it could caused serious frustrat=
ion among them,and also it could be dangerous for pregnant persons,both sex=
(I'm not sexist,you see). Our observation's are result of our preoccupation=
with one of topic(LooSee)on Forum-SEECULTURA on South-East Europe culture =
portal( with sites,blogs and other mess-(
um/viewtopic.php?t=22).we try to arrange .
We know for long time that Western art,except Koons and Sherman,not just st=
ink,it's mummify body,and Net. or net art is just reflection of hers own am=
bition to became art(with all equipment:own history,theory…,or if you pre=
fer family incestuous situations with Fathers,Mothers,Children…but now we=
check material from all over the world and we fell duty to inform you abou=
t our discovery.That's why we talk when we talk about DEARTISATION, to give=
you information and help you if you know how to hear what we talk to you.=

Now Rhizomers talking about net.with or without .!In other words what's cor=
rect in their opinion:shit or excrement?
Alfred Hitchcock teach us lesson:it's hard to see something big and close,H=
ERE!For example it's impossible to see elephant even if he step on your foo=
you just have to invoke comic,or cartoon and beginning enthusiasm regarding=
opportunity considered this ('seventh' and 'eight'…)art indicate,to see =
their place in 'art world' now.same is with have orgasm with'J=
odi'histeric move all over screen(this is idiotic). modest work of Manovich=
('Soft cinema') provoke exaltation,Cosic rudimental remind on early days of=
computers make you wet(erection)?Cory Archangel with her infantilism make =
you happy,and Shulgin doing I can't describe(but I'll try):one old man drin=
k something from bottle,and screen is full of icon,how clever.NO!
This is all elefantshit and MANIK can't accept exchange testicle for kidne=
y's.Be what you want with or…
oh yes;did you see Lauren's interview-nobody from abroad,only American's.T=
hat's loyalty and we appreciate that! From Europe are mentioned only Furter=
field and Shulgin.You know what's the problem:every biggest exhibition on t=
he world can't exist without at least half of American artist.What about th=
Good night Lauren,give kiss to our little Abe The Boy,and don't be upset if=
you've forgot to mentioned somebody.But…yes-this with mentioned only Ame=
ricans is not rhizomatic idea at all.We are on Rhizome org.,didn't we?And y=
ou are main there,and your responsibility's to keep idea of rhizome distrib=
ution of power and information in clean state even in interview.Although yo=
u are American idea of Rhizome's more important than your nationality on pl=
ace where you are now.I suppose nobody force you to take place in Rhizome?



—– Original Message —–
From: manik
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2006 11:45 PM
Subject: shit or excrement

I like way Rhizomers ignore MANIK'S insight in current situation in 'art-wo=
rld' .They're so disinterested that we thought-there must be something ugly=
in their mind,they are afraid to talk and it could caused serious frustrat=
ion among them,and also it could be dangerous for pregnant persons,both sex=
(I'm not sexist,you see). Our observation's are result of our preoccupation=
with one of topic(LooSee)on Forum-SEECULTURA on South-East Europe culture =
portal( with sites,blogs and other mess-(
um/viewtopic.php?t=22).we try to arrange .
We know for long time that Western art,except Koons and Sherman,not just st=
ink,it's mummify body,and Net. or net art is just reflection of hers own am=
bition to became art(with all equipment:own history,theory…,or if you pre=
fer family incestuous situations with Fathers,Mothers,Children…but now we=
check material from all over the world and we fell duty to inform you abou=
t our discovery.That's why we talk when we talk about DEARTISATION, to give=
you information and help you if you know how to hear what we talk to you.=

Now Rhizomers talking about net.with or without .!In other words what's cor=
rect in their opinion:shit or excrement?
Alfred Hitchcock teach us lesson:it's hard to see something big and close,H=
ERE!For example it's impossible to see elephant even if he step on your foo=
you just have to invoke comic,or cartoon and beginning enthusiasm regarding=
opportunity considered this ('seventh' and 'eight'…)art indicate,to see =
their place in 'art world' now.same is with have orgasm with'J=
odi'histeric move all over screen(this is idiotic). modest work of Manovich=
('Soft cinema') provoke exaltation,Cosic rudimental remind on early days of=
computers make you wet(erection)?Cory Archangel with her infantilism make =
you happy,and Shulgin doing I can't describe(but I'll try):one old man drin=
k something from bottle,and screen is full of icon,how clever.NO!
This is all elefantshit and MANIK can't accept exchange testicle for kidney=
's.Be what you want with or…
oh yes;did you see Lauren's interview-nobody from abroad,only American's.T=
hat's loyalty and we appreciate that! From Europe are mentioned only Furter=
field and Shulgin.You know what's the problem:every biggest exhibition on t=
he world can't exist without at least half of American artist.What about th=
Good night Lauren,give kiss to our little Abe The Boy,and don't be upset if=
you've forgot to mentioned somebody.But…yes-this with mentioned only Ame=
ricans is not rhizomatic idea at all.We are on Rhizome org.,didn't we?And y=
ou are main there,and your responsibility's to keep idea of rhizome distrib=
ution of power and information in clean state even in interview.Although yo=
u are American idea of Rhizome's more important than your nationality on pl=
ace where you are now.I suppose nobody force you to take place in Rhizome?