7/26/06 4:03:52 AM,toegristle <[email protected]>corey wrote:
>"nyet art"… that is pretty awesome. :)
It is a meter of fact-yes! it is awesome,but this is very meek expression
which pointed on deep crisis in west civilization,including art,of
course.It's not complete shocking(?) to remind here on long and never
(actually)finished tradition of
conoclasm( ),or considered gentle
version(more personal,and pointed to psychology-Aniconism
( ).
Unfortunately this processes of dehumanization and dangerous crisis of
re-presentation of essential mental transversal in last years take bright
shape,and in universal devaluation of constitutive value which make some
'democratic'form of social system,acceptable for stultify crowd corporative
way of solve problems take inviolability place in 'world of art'.American
liberalism lean (on)destruction even idea of individualism(they replace
individual financial success with individualism as expression of ethic and
making own decision far from money,or far from control.)
We,MANIK,are happy to be together and our life could be(at least we
hope)occupied with preserve of basic ethic/aesthetic value which make us
human(it's became abusive word…recently).
Fact that we couldn't see any art around doesn't mean that there isn't
any.Just everything we've seen is boring,stupid,there're nothing original as
sensitivity in feeling of doing something we still call 'art'.
Not"Nyet art",not even 'painting or any other media couldn't bring something
immanent to man.We believe that some serious revival of rudimental(but not
religious,or fascist of course)Iconoclasm could forced some changes,or
questions,at least.
I suggest you to see some interesting mental praxis: