- Heat wave in Paris, August 2003.
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Heat wave in Paris, August 2003.
[ Paris, August 10,2003 ]

Today August 10, the sun has been shining for several days and the summer seems to settle durably on Paris.
August in Paris is always an exceptional moment, moment or the city empties its inhabitants to leave the place to the tourists, with calms and the relaxation which accompany the holidays.
It is also time or the inhabitants find a vaguely human character of attention and glance towards the other, illustrated in film of Pierre Granier-Deferre or the song of Charles Aznavour in "Paris in August".
It is also the time of the long walks without goals no destinations, just to see the city, its coffees with terrace and its inhabitants…

My walk started in front of the town hall of Paris to see "Paris Plage" and the bank roads transformed into artificial beaches, of the quay of Tuileries to the quay Henri IV, then going up the boulevard Sebastopol and Magenta, I passed to Barbes Rochechouart. I went along the Barbes Boulevard, crossed the Pigalle place, and descended the street Pigalle in direction from the place of Concorde and his famous fountain of the rivers from 1840.
Then, I went along the Seine and am directed to me towards Trocadero and its basin refitted after the World Fair of 1937, equipped with its battery of very powerful water jets (5700 liters by second) placed in its top and supplemented by a double line of water jets aligned on each side.

Throughout this walk, the crushing heat of the city seemed irresistibly to soften the strict social organization of the city, the lawns and fountains accommodated here and there, of the children, of the adults, wearing of bathing suits, shorts, slipways held unusual of very Parisian elegance…

The many laws and prohibitions of the parks did not seem any more to have any effect or application front of the rise of the thermometer, the townsmen sought freshness at all costs, each fountain was transformed into bath of feet, in public swimming pool…

I continued my course in direction of the Andre Citroen park, the most significant Parisian creation of park since the Second Empire, organized in a vast rectangle (of 320 X 130 m) perpendicular to the Seine, containing 25 fountains, 8 greenhouses and 1 hectare of water, to finish to the place of the chatelet front of the Fountain of the Palm tree, decorated with horns of plenty carved by Louis Simon Boizot and decorated his four sphinx.

The unconcern of the holidays, the joy of the children playing in water, the dynamism of the young people crossed during this day and the silence of the media did not let anything appear drama which was achieved silently in the city.

Indeed, in Paris, the temperature exceeded the 39