Violence Online - 2006

Conflict in Middle East??
No problem!

Violence Online
is a New Media art project in form of an online festival.

More 350 artists from 42 countries
(see also
reflect the phenomenon of violence in all its facets.
The project is constructed in form of a virtual media componany
named Violence Media Inc.
consisting of numerous departments like
Violence TV, Violence For Happyness, Violence Playstation,
Violence Picknick Basket etc.

The project started in 2002 as a collaborative project
initiated, created and organised by Agricola de Cologne,
In 2004, it became a part of the global networking project
and was until these day presented on numerous festivals and art events
around the globe.

The media celebrate violence as that what is
the best form of relaxing and enjoying life,
while speechlessness and the inability to communicate are spreading around!

Violence Online Festival is still and again and again
the best way for celebrating violence,
just enter and enjoy!
Released by
NetEX - networked experience
powered by
[NewMediaArtProjectNetwork]:||cologne -
the experimental platform for art and New Media
operating from Cologne/Germany.
info& contact
info (at)