Fwd: Satellite Jockey (Sonar, Futuresonic, and exclusive downloads)

From: rick silva <[email protected]>

Hi all,

a couple of updates on the Satellite Jockey project (
http://satellitejockey.net ).

following the show in Barcelona's Sonar Festival ( http://sonar.es )

S.J. moves on to Manchester's Futuresonic 2006 Festival (
http://futuresonic.com )
this next weekend where

Satellite Jockey "Eco-Dub Mix" ( http://satellitejockey.net/ecodub.htm )
will premiere

Also as part of the Futuresonic installation, a soundtrack to surf
google earth by:

Satellite Jockey - Low Pressure (Sound) System Mix (
http://www.satellitejockey.net/lowpressuresoundsystemmix.mp3 )
18 min / 20 mb

1. Vladmir Ussachevsky - Wireless Fantasy
2. Kaffe Matthews - She could
3. Kid 606 - Site Specific Sound Installation
4. Alva Noto - 06-f117.tiff
5. Fennesz - Before I Leave
6. AGF - Loading

And (if you read Italian) an interview with me about the S.J. project
in this month's Digimag ( http://www.digicult.it/digimag/ )
