Professorial Chair: Head of Computer Animation Group, Bournemouth University, UK


There is a very short deadline for applications to this post - need to be in by 17th July!

I am sending this to open up the range of possible applicants for the post decribed below. I reckon that there may be Rhizome members/readers who would find it interesting. Our head of School asked us to invite applications from people who we think might be suitable. Note that 'publication' may include exhibition and commercial production. Bear in mind however that Bournemouth University is presently undergoing an initiative to increase staff engagemment in research; applicants are likely to be favoured if they are able to first-supervise PhD level research.

We are an enthusiastic and committed group, from broad backgrounds in art, design, software development etc. Our philosophy has always been multi-disciplinary, encouraging the development of new disciplines and practices through art/science collaboration. With the retirement of Prof John Vince, there is a vacancy for someone who can coordinate and support a diverse and passionate team of academics.

Personally I would like to see someone appointed who can help to build up the theoretical/philosophical/critical side of our group whilst ensuring that the level of excellence in technical research and learning and teaching and the philosophy of 'marrying art and science' continues.

Please pass this information, taken from the official advert (see below for URL), to anyone who is qualifed and might be interested.


Stephen Bell


Established Chair


, Rhizomer

There is a very short deadline for applications to this post - need to be in by 17th July!

I am sending this to open up the range of possible applicants for the post decribed below. I reckon that there may be Rhizome members/readers who would find it interesting. Our head of School asked us to invite applications from people who we think might be suitable. Note that 'publication' may include exhibition and commercial production. Bear in mind however that Bournemouth University is presently undergoing an initiative to increase staff engagemment in research; applicants are likely to be favoured if they are able to first-supervise PhD level research.

We are an enthusiastic and committed group, from broad backgrounds in art, design, software development etc. Our philosophy has always been multi-disciplinary, encouraging the development of new disciplines and practices through art/science collaboration. With the retirement of Prof John Vince, there is a vacancy for someone who can coordinate and support a diverse and passionate team of academics.

Personally I would like to see someone appointed who can help to build up the theoretical/philosophical/critical side of our group whilst ensuring that the level of excellence in technical research and learning and teaching and the philosophy of 'marrying art and science' continues.

Please pass this information, taken from the official advert (see below for URL), to anyone who is qualifed and might be interested.


Stephen Bell


Established Chair