quantum 1082


1082. Didn't you state earlier that when you don't know what to
try to do, don't try to know?

I said something to that effect. Currently I have no idea what I should try
to write about. In these moods I often write about bad things that have
happened to me or that I know have occurred. One could say I feel the
terror and discomfort of not knowing what to do, and then I lash out in
anger. Or, I may lash out in optimism and forcibly express a lot of
fabricated, "positive" rhetoric about things turning out for the best. I
get that basic writing classes and books talk about not forcing it when you
don't know what to write about. I usually force the topic to the war or
child abuse when I can't think what to do. Thus the previous question, what
can be written about at length without causing harm? If it's G2K
hypothetically I can try to explore the hypothesis. G2K is a hypothesis
that says "I am something worth writing about, a strong hypothesis."


To generate random numbers 1-2000 using a deck of cards:

1. Shuffle deck.
2. Deal three cards in discard pile, then one card face up. If face card,
repeat. If not, this is card one.
3. If card one is even, digit one = 0, if odd digit one = 1.
4. Deal three cards in discard pile, then one card face up. If face card,
repeat. If not, this is digit two.
5. Deal three cards in discard pile, then one card face up. If face card,
repeat. If not, this is digit three.
6. Deal three cards in discard pile, then one card face up. If face card,
repeat. If not, this is digit four.


Max Herman
The Genius 2000 Network
DVDs available now
