quantum 624


624. What about reading poetry instead?

Poetry has more clear and appreciable sound and music than what we call
music nowadays. Lines like "Thus conscience does make cowards of us all"
from Shakespeare have a more perfect, crystalline quality in their sound and
meaning than your typical rock and pop music. However, like low-fat food,
one has to get used to it to appreciate the flavor. William Carlos
Williams's "beside the white chickens" should be more ever-present to
people's considerations than the current pop song. But people can't handle
quiet or solitude, so they plug in to the loud herd-music.


Random generation of numbers 1-2000 using one six-side die

Roll 1: If odd, digit one = 1; if even, digit one = 0.
Roll 2: If odd, digit two = roll 3 plus 5; if even, digit two = roll 3.
Roll 3: Defines digit two. If roll is 6, re-roll.
Roll 4: If odd, digit three = roll 5 plus 5; if even, digit three = roll 5.
Roll 5: Defines digit three. If roll is 6, re-roll.
Roll 6: If odd, digit four = roll 7 plus 5; if even, digit four = roll 5.
Roll 7: Defines digit four. If roll is 6, re-roll.


Max Herman
The Genius 2000 Network
DVDs available now



, Maschine Hospital

On Mon, 19 Jun 2006, Max Herman wrote:

> +++
> 624. What about reading poetry instead?

Love is too young (bambino, giovanni) to know what conscience is,
Yet who knows >>not<<, conscience is born of love.

That is also Shakespeare, but beautifully speaks of time-space,
the love of the divine, or (greater) magnetic (non-sexual) force,
and its raison d'etre, which is to be received so to speak.

As thy sow, so you shall reap.. indeed.

For those who die indeed by their own Will, of their own breath.

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