quantum 1361


1361. Is a mere daily conversation about trivial topics good enough for a

Yes, Benjamin wrote that "boredom is the dream bird that hatches the egg of
the imagination." Apparently they didn't like Benjamin in his milieu
because he wasn't Communist enough. My old G2K rallying tactics were
quintessentially Leninist, i.e. Bolshevist, i.e. rabble-rousing demagoguery
to assemble intellectual brownshirts. Pigs. I've never even read a single
word of Goethe, yet I put myself up as a great thinker. People forget that
Carlyle wrote "the law isn't on the papers it's printed on, it's a living
dynamic meaning in our minds" or words to that effect. That goes for all
tradition–it's not on the paper, it's in our G2K. And if there's no G2K,
there's no law. No oracles and no Zeus. I think A-K-H-A plus the Eumenides
is better than Nietzsche's eternal recurrence, but that's speculative.
Strauss and Lowith exchanged excellent letters about whether "everyone was a
philosopher, and I don't mean Ph.D.'s."


To generate random numbers 1-2000 using a deck of cards:

1. Shuffle deck.
2. Deal three cards in discard pile, then one card face up. If face card,
repeat. If not, this is card one.
3. If card one is even, digit one = 0, if odd digit one = 1.
4. Deal three cards in discard pile, then one card face up. If face card,
repeat. If not, this is digit two.
5. Deal three cards in discard pile, then one card face up. If face card,
repeat. If not, this is digit three.
6. Deal three cards in discard pile, then one card face up. If face card,
repeat. If not, this is digit four.


Max Herman
The Genius 2000 Network
DVDs available now
