quantum 738


738. Are you scared of wrecking the world's chances for a
decent, workable, lasting peace of approximately one hundred years'

I shouldn't even talk about peace and war. Why I can't calm down and shut
up is driving me crazy. Crazy crazy crazy. I have to try to calm down and
stay cool. If I get fired it's back to Mom and Dad's and a hideous


To generate random numbers 1-2000 using a deck of cards:

1. Shuffle deck.
2. Deal three cards in discard pile, then one card face up. If face card,
repeat. If not, this is card one.
3. If card one is even, digit one = 0, if odd digit one = 1.
4. Deal three cards in discard pile, then one card face up. If face card,
repeat. If not, this is digit two.
5. Deal three cards in discard pile, then one card face up. If face card,
repeat. If not, this is digit three.
6. Deal three cards in discard pile, then one card face up. If face card,
repeat. If not, this is digit four.


Max Herman
The Genius 2000 Network
DVDs available now
