quantum 1947


Random generation of numbers 1-2000 using one six-side die

Roll 1: If odd, digit one = 1; if even, digit one = 0.
Roll 2: If odd, digit two = roll 3 plus 5; if even, digit two = roll 3.
Roll 3: Defines digit two. If roll is 6, re-roll.
Roll 4: If odd, digit three = roll 5 plus 5; if even, digit three = roll 5.
Roll 5: Defines digit three. If roll is 6, re-roll.
Roll 6: If odd, digit four = roll 7 plus 5; if even, digit four = roll 5.
Roll 7: Defines digit four. If roll is 6, re-roll.


1947. Have you mentioned all the extra, leftover topics from the

Yes I have. Now I'm just going to wrap up. Please also note that Austin
mentions Teilhard de Chardin in Zen and the Brain, yet Medawar strongly
rejects de Chardin. So this kind of weakness or instability must be
considered. Also, if Zen were the entire answer then there would be nothing
left to articulate beyond the need for patient practice. Which may be so,
or not so.


Max Herman
The Genius 2000 Network
DVDs available now
