Whole world is "Guantanamo Bay prison camp"!

According to statistics number of suicide in refuge camps in Serbia growing=
every year,and from very beginning it's four-five times frequent(depend o=
f how terible life condition are).Also number of cancer case are few hundre=
d percent bigger than before(it could be interesting for one who claim that=
there's conection between stress and cancer,also powered uraniun bombing i=
s one of reasons…).Refugies are Serbs from former Yugoslav republic(Croat=
ia,Bosnia),and from occupy part of Serbia-Kosovo.There's about 400 000 of t=
hem still in camps all over Serbia.You could caunt how many is 2-3% of this=
persons"(one who commits) suicide" .For all of this 'civilian' wars in for=
mer Yugoslavia direct or indirect responsibility is Americans. is good example(index)for how far free speech's allowed to ext=
end.Same as farce with trial for Abu Graib prison,same as farce for new af=
fair with "collateral",or "real" civilian victim in Iraq.

Few years ago in"Monde diplomatique"J.Baudrillard wrote(paraphrase):''Desac=
ralized West keep his hope in expensive investment in huge and unpredictabl=
e social machine based on technology who's going to preserve their growing =
and prosperity on account of whole world.They considered individual person =
in frame of one general strategy of expansion.Actually,they give up(sense "=
68)from "free individual",and made simulacrum of individual helpless and d=
epend on mega-system,capitalism.On the other side,Islam build absolutely op=
posite approach in individual contribution to aim.They trained people to d=
edicate their life to sacral goal,individualism get highest form in sacrifi=
ce own life to high,and i-material essence."

11-06-2006 06:03, [email protected]:

Easily the most inventive press release of 2006.

Three detainees have died at the Guantanamo Bay prison camp in what the
U.S. military said was "an act of … warfare" against the United States.

Two men from Saudi Arabia and one from Yemen were found "unresponsive and
not breathing in their cells" early Saturday after they apparently
committed suicide by hanging themselves with clothing and bedsheets.

Military officials said they attempted to revive the prisoners, without

They were the first reported deaths at the detention centre for suspected
terrorists. There have been 34 suicide attempts since January 2002. In
2003 alone, there were 350 incidents of self-harm, including 130 so-called
hanging gestures.

"They are smart. They are creative, they are committed," Rear Admiral
Harry Harris, commander of the Joint Task Force Guantanamo, told Reuters.
"They have no regard for life, either ours or their own."

Harris added that the suicides were "clearly a planned event, not a
spontaneous event … I believe this was not an act of desperation, but an
act of … warfare waged against us."