badges!? [ds9_is_sexy remix 2.0]

The response to post-structuralism at Cranbrook was largely
optimistic, side-stepping the profound pessimism and political
critique that permeates these writers' major works. McCoy used the
architectural theory of Robert Venturi and Denise Scott Brown as a
"stepping stone" to post-structuralism, enabling her to merge the Pop
aestheticization of the American commercial vernacular with
post-structuralism's critique of "fixed meaning." McCoy's preference
for celebration over criticism is echoed in Keedy's comment, "It was
the poetic aspect of Barthes which attracted me, not the Marxist
analysis. After all, we're designers working in a consumer society,
and while Marxism is interesting as an idea, I wouldn't want to put
it into practice."

- ellen lupton & j. abbott miller

"Badges!? We ain't got no badges. We don't need no badges! I don't
have to show you any stinking badges!!"

- Gold Hat