Fwd: Urban Rangers hit Hollywood Weds, June 7

Begin forwarded message:

> Weds, June 7, 5-8pm @ Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions, 6522
> Hollywood Blvd. (between the stars of Frank Sinatra and Alfred
> Hitchcock)
> Join the Los Angeles Urban Rangers in exploring the ambiances of
> legendary Hollywood Boulevard and how this urban trail constructs
> the Hollywoodness of Hollywood. Ours is one of three presentations
> for Hollywood Confidential, an evening event co-hosted by LACE and
> Woodbury University on the occasion of the American Institute of
> Architects (AIA) National Convention. Other presenters: Margaret
> Crawford and Teddy Cruz
> [Los Angeles Urban Rangers is a mobile and site-specific
> interpretive force. We aim, with both wit and a healthy dose of
> sincerity, to facilitate creative, critical, head-on, oblique, and
> crisscrossed investigations into our sprawling metropolis and its
> various ecologies. Kindly visit http://www.laurbanrangers.org for
> details.]