Call: Women: Memory of Repression in Argentina

Version espanola abajo
Spanish version below

Call: Women: Memory of Repression in Argentina
is looking for digital artwork
deadline 1 September 2006

24 March 2006 –>30th return of the military coup in Argentina (1976)

Women: Memory of Repression in Argentina (W:MoRiA)

is an Internet based art project about the "disappeared" (desapararecidos) in Argentina and the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo
in the framework of the global networking project [R][R][F]2006—XP -
initiated & created by Agricola de Cologne, media artist & New Media curator from Cologne/Germany

On occasion of 30th return of the military coup in Argentina on 24 March (2006/1976),
the project is planned to be re-constructed and re-launched later in the year 2006.

For this occasion, W:MoRiA
is inviting artists not only from Argentina, but any country on the globe
for submitting a proposal in form of an Internet based work, digital video and soundart,
dealing with the military dictatorships in Argentina and other South America countries,
the persecuted & "disappeared" people, and
how the society, family and friends were reacting on the traumatic experiences.

Please find all project information and the entry form on

rrf2006 (at)
subject: argentina

Version espanola

Mujeres: Memoria de la Represion en la Argentina
esta buscando arte digital
Cierre de convocatoria: 1