this, is of course, a fiction

this is of course a fiction.
But if a president of the worlds largest economic engine decided to create a situation where the vast majority of stakeholders were held powerless, and in their waiting, close to the palm of our statesmen, how would I do it?
I would bring that nation to the knees of economic bankruptcy and then hold that power over those who were in most need of assistance.
At least, that's how I would do it.
And when my nation couldn't pay its bills, and my nations economic engine couldn't compete globally, I'd have them on their knees.
Then I would demand of that nation that they gave me their favorite sons, the cream of their crop. I would send the potential adversaries oversees to die fighting mythical battles. Myths are hard to fight, they have folksonomic precedent.
Once the battle is lost I take my earnings offshore and laugh at the gullibility of my followers.
I am ultimately richer, and so are my friends, thanks to the generosity of my peers. My father finally respects me, although I had done little to earn his respect. Bill Gates , And the rest , kick themselves in the ass for not seeing what was coming. Economic deprssions are rare, but they can be manufactured. One is in the making. Smile, and think of Henry Fonda in the Grapes of Wrath. It's going to be much worse than that.
But of course, this is only a dream I had, in a funny dungeon, far away, in a darkling hour.
No Problems,
why worry?
you are such an alarmist!
silly old sot!
Life really is darker than you can imagine.

waiting and praying.