JIP - JavaMuseum Interview Project - new interviews [week 8-14 May]

[week 8 -14 May 2006]
JIP - JavaMuseum Interview Project
open call/survey—> new deadline 1 June 2006 (see further ahead)

JIP is featuring this week following 4 interviews with

–>Anahi Caceres (Argentina), Raivo Kelomees (Estonia),
santo_file (Spain), Sachiko Hayashi (Sweden)

Anahi Caceres
a multidisciplinary artist living and working in Buenos Aires, started in 1974 with traditional media and turned in 1994 to digital tools for creating new types of art work like - netart, performances and installations. As a pioneer of net based art in Argentina, she launched in 1996 the multiple Internet based space "ArteUna" and the network developing from it. She had more than 400 solo and collective shows and is teaching at the university of Buenos Aires.

Raivo Kelomees
started 1980 with art in a traditional way, but soon he organized group-performances and actions oat Tartu University Art Studio. Since 1988, he wrote more than 150 articles, mainly about video, media and electronic art, and participated in numerous international festivals. Since 1991 he was also curating and organising exhibitions and festivals in Estonia and became lecturer at Estonian Academy of Arts on media art history, art and cyberculture in 1994.

is a memegenic guerrilla group. Its main aim is to use new media to develop a vision of life as a fight between memes and genes. This is expressed in a multidisciplinary manner (by means of low-tech net.art, music, video