news & 6 new interviews on JIP - JavaMuseum Interview Project

Until its relaunch in 2007,
JavaMuseum - Forum for Internet Technology in Contemporary Art
replaced its old site through the new JavaMuseum Blog
which allows access to all features and showcases, as well.
[week 24-30 April]
JIP - JavaMuseum Interview Project
open call/survey—> new deadline 1 June 2006 (see further ahead)

JIP is featuring this week following 4 interviews with
–>Carla Della Beffa (Italy), Peter Lind (Denmark), Irene Coremberg (Argentina), Michael Szpakowski (UK)
and the answers on the JIP survey - 10 questions on Internet based art by
–>Philippe Langlois (France) & Salvatore Iaconesi (Italy)

Carla Della Beffa
lives and works in Milano and in Paris and has had an art website since 1996. International curators have been selecting some of her netart works for their reviews since 1997. Many of her works are made expressly for the net, and then sometimes develop into exhibitions, installations, interdisciplinary projects. She makes monothematic series of digital photos and just published a book about one of them, BabelFood, she si also making videos presented on international festivals.

Peter Lind
born 1961, lives and works in Copenhagen, Denmark. He realised since 1996 numerous Internet based projects.

Irene Coremberg
is a young media artists who studied different art disciplines. Her interests lies in 3D modelling and animation, online and offline.
She works as a visual designer and teacher.

Michael Szpakowski
is a UK based composer, artist and educator. Active artistically since 1977, his music has been performed all over the UK, in Russia & the USA.
His short films have been shown in the USA, Russia, China, Sweden and Croatia.

Philippe Langlois
active member of XLRMX, an artists collective.

Salvatore Iaconesi
Starting out in the european hacking and software pirating scenes of the late '80s, he organized rave parties throughout the '90s, promoting events such as a nomad industrial orchestra. He started creating software art in the late '90s, working first on ascii/ansi art, then on specific art projects based on the internet, on computer networks and artificial intelligence and genetic algorythms. In 2004, he produced an electronic art festival in Rome: the 12 weekly sessions hosted the best part of Italy's electronic art panorama. He is now working on projects based on the "not_human" concept

About JIP - JavaMuseum Interview Project

JavaMuseum -
Forum for Internet Technology in Contemporary Art
is currently preparing a new project, entitled:
JIP - JavaMuseum Interview Project
to be launched in September 2006

Agricola de Cologne, director of JavaMuseum
invited for an interview a number professionals &
artists active in the field of Internet based art
who participated in the "1st phase",
the 18 JavaMuseum showcases 2001-2004,
in order to spotlight their professional background, activities and visions.
Open call /survey—> new deadline 1 June 2006
JIP - JavaMuseum Interview Project issued further an open call survey
including 10 questions on Internet based art addressed to
professionals and "amateurs", in order to enable a broader discussion
about the still undervalued genre of Internet based art
through a variety of different approaches, definitions and opinions.
New deadline - 1 June 2006 !!!!!
The entry rules and the questions (cut & paste) are available on
or as PDF as free download

Once completed -
JIP - JavaMuseum Interview Project
will release the collected interviews
and the selection of the most interesting answers
a) online on the new project site - , but
b) immediately also in form of one interview per week on the new weblog -
JIP - JavaMuseum Interview Project
c) to be published in a printed form at a later stage.
Until now interviews /answers by
Babel (Canada), Andrea Polli (USA), Jorn Ebner (UK),
Roberto Echen (Argentina), Jeremy Hight (USA), Ian Page-Echols (USA),
Humberto Ramirez (Chile/USA), Enrico Tomaselli (Italy)
Carlos Katastrofsky (Austria), Paivi Hintsanen (Finland)
Shankar Barua (India), Luke Duncalfe (New Zealand)
FilH (France), Nadja Kutz (Germany), Yvonne Martinsson (Sweden),
Avi Rosen (Israel), Letizia Jaccheri (Norway), Tamara Lai (Belgium,
tobias c. van Veen (Canada), DLSAN (Italy)
have been issued on
Released by
NetEX - networked experience
powered by
[NewMediaArtProjectNetwork]:||cologne -
the experimental platform for art and New Media
operating from Cologne/Germany.
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info (at)