new linguistic

Hi Utku,
I see what you thought.
Also I can't see it's necessary to turn over one word so many times.Rhizom=
e's going to be kind of dictionary.
Just try to Gooogle/Wiki/Yahooo little about "Orthodox".I'm sure there's ma=
terial for new linguistic science.

Personal message to my friend published on Rhizome _Raw was my mistake.Sorr=
y!But who know,I don't believe in coincidence.

hi All, Manik

i might have ugly tone and/or this was not the suitable place for this qu=
estion and i think i could'nt explain what i meant,excuse me Manik
What i tried to point was about 'orthodoxy', an approach to history of id=
eas. PDF/foucaults_approach_to_power.pdf

best wishes
ORTHODOXY: Ideas receptive to or in agreement with established doctrine o=
r received opinion. author could have had something fairly specific in mind=
(see determinacy). See also doxa, heterodoxy.

manik <[email protected]> wrote:
> How you describe 'Orthodox' ? by eyevision logic?

> Turkey is an 'Orthodox' country from a bit deep look.

Turkey is a secular state (in the sense that Church and State are
separate like in the US and in France), and IIRC most people there
are Sunni Muslims. I therefore wouldn't call it Orthodox in this
sense. :-)

- Rob.