Orhtodox Rob

> How you describe 'Orthodox' ? by eyevision logic?




> Turkey is an 'Orthodox' country from a bit deep look.

Turkey is a secular state (in the sense that Church and State are
separate like in the US and in France), and IIRC most people there
are Sunni Muslims. I therefore wouldn't call it Orthodox in this
sense. :-)

- Rob.

You are one of "Orthodox"whatever that mean-you're born on Orthodox Christm=
as!That's your stigma and fate;-)
Delicate situation with this person from Turkey,thanks to your mail is dete=
rmined.He/she address me already several time private,I was kind but on dis=
tance(he/she is student of sociology from Ankara who make videos etc.-excit=
ed by art .)But this interest during short time became close to something a=
ctually hard to explained:educated person like Omeroglu must know for long =
and ugly tradition in Serb-Turkey relationship(Serbia was 500years under Ot=
toman Imperia(Turkey today),something like now;Serbia is under U.S.A protec=
torate,and last civil war in Bosnia is in direct relation with this famous =
500years. His/her curiosity about "Orthodox"issue is,
suspicious and provocative.Balkan's strange area,you know.Under Omeroglu's =
naivete is political provocation and thanks to you I a was spared from pu=
nishment to answer on this puberty nonsense.My main intention with Eastern =
epistle was to let people from Rhizome know again and again that in this or=
ganization existed different people,with different holydays,custom,religion=
,different kind of atheism…etc.Nothing else.My"religion goal" is to die w=
ithout reincarnation.I'm seek of life,but that doesn't mean I want to do ev=
il thing to people.I'm desperate because people again and again,to take Bib=
lical metaphor-adore gold calf,but it's not anarchy-highest shape of democr=
acy,kind of close circle of democracy,this is banality
and superficial
…In this time 'we' are far from ethic more than ever(in time of Vietnam w=
ar was hippie movement,after that punk…)but now only bare
race and poor-rich relation could be playground for some meditation about =
politic/society.Considered amplitude in history it's not impossible to expe=
ct some essential comprehend in West Society,which could lied to proper ans=
wer from"grey zone".But we must wait for that at least few years.Mental cor=
ruption is very deep in people's sense for reality.
We (MANIK)are in middle of unclear and unpleasant bureaucracy effort to get=
from Republic Cultural Fond money for photographed,transport,part of expe=
nses for sculpture.From one place(Artist Society of Serbia told us to do on=
e procedure),but from other place completely opposite instructions!:/.That =
mean only personal relation could be guaranty for some success in this adve=
nture,and also that we are not equal in front of low(which is 'truth' with =
long white beard).Sorry,but in mass with Forum'SECULTURA' and our last obli=
gations with searching money I've lost your last mail.But I remember most o=
f it: it's better for you to take care for family than to take risk to hold=
lecture for dozen people here,in Belgrade.We are sure it's not last opport=
unity for you to visit Belgrade again.


, Rhizomer

hi All, Manik

i might have ugly tone and/or this was not the suitable place for this question and i think i could'nt explain what i meant,excuse me Manik
What i tried to point was about 'orthodoxy', an approach to history of ideas.
w3.uchastings.edu/piomelli_01/ PDF/foucaults_approach_to_power.pdf

best wishes
ORTHODOXY: Ideas receptive to or in agreement with established doctrine or received opinion. author could have had something fairly specific in mind (see determinacy). See also doxa, heterodoxy.

manik <[email protected]> wrote:
> How you describe 'Orthodox' ? by eyevision logic?



> Turkey is an 'Orthodox' country from a bit deep look.

Turkey is a secular state (in the sense that Church and State are
separate like in the US and in France), and IIRC most people there
are Sunni Muslims. I therefore wouldn't call it Orthodox in this
sense. :-)

- Rob.


You are one of "Orthodox"whatever that mean-you're born on Orthodox Christmas!That's your stigma and fate;-)
Delicate situation with this person from Turkey,thanks to your mail is determined.He/she address me already several time private,I was kind but on distance(he/she is student of sociology from Ankara who make videos etc.-excited by art .)But this interest during short time became close to something actually hard to explained:educated person like Omeroglu must know for long and ugly tradition in Serb-Turkey relationship(Serbia was 500years under Ottoman Imperia(Turkey today),something like now;Serbia is under U.S.A protectorate,and last civil war in Bosnia is in direct relation with this famous 500years. His/her curiosity about "Orthodox"issue is,
suspicious and provocative.Balkan's strange area,you know.Under Omeroglu's naivete is political provocation and thanks to you I a was spared from punishment to answer on this puberty nonsense.My main intention with Eastern epistle was to let people from Rhizome know again and again that in this organization existed different people,with different holydays,custom,religion,different kind of atheism…etc.Nothing else.My"religion goal" is to die without reincarnation.I'm seek of life,but that doesn't mean I want to do evil thing to people.I'm desperate because people again and again,to take Biblical metaphor-adore gold calf,but it's not anarchy-highest shape of democracy,kind of close circle of democracy,this is banality
and superficial
…In this time 'we' are far from ethic more than ever(in time of Vietnam war was hippie movement,after that punk…)but now only bare
race and poor-rich relation could be playground for some meditation about politic/society.Considered amplitude in history it's not impossible to expect some essential comprehend in West Society,which could lied to proper answer from"grey zone".But we must wait for that at least few years.Mental corruption is very deep in people's sense for reality.
We (MANIK)are in middle of unclear and unpleasant bureaucracy effort to get from Republic Cultural Fond money for photographed,transport,part of expenses for sculpture.From one place(Artist Society of Serbia told us to do one procedure),but from other place completely opposite instructions!:/.That mean only personal relation could be guaranty for some success in this adventure,and also that we are not equal in front of low(which is 'truth' with long white beard).Sorry,but in mass with Forum'SECULTURA' and our last obligations with searching money I've lost your last mail.But I remember most of it: it's better for you to take care for family than to take risk to hold lecture for dozen people here,in Belgrade.We are sure it's not last opportunity for you to visit Belgrade again.

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