JIP: open call - new deadline 1 June

10 questions on Internet based art
open call - extended deadline 1 June 2006
JavaMuseum - Forum for Internet Technology in Contemporary Art
is currently preparing "JIP - JavaMuseum Interview Project" &
invites via this open call professionals and "amateurs"
to answer 10 questions on Internet based art ,
in order to enable a broader discussion about the still undervalued
genre of new media art through a variety of
different approaches, definitions and opinions.

The questions and the entry details can be found on
"JIP - JavaMuseum Interview Project" weblog
where the answers will be posted, as well.

A selection of the most interesting answers will be included in
JIP - JavaMuseum Interview Project
to be launched in September 2006.

released by
NetEX - networked experience
powered by
info (at) nmartproject.net