Easter interviews on - JIP - JavaMuseum Interview Project

[week 10-16 April] - EASTER edition
interviews on Internet based art
JIP - JavaMuseum Interview Project
is featuring this week following 6 interviews with
Letitia Jacchieri (Norway), Avi Rosen (Israel), Yvonne Martinsson (Sweden),
Nadja Kutz (Germany), FilH (France), Luke Duncalfe (New Zealand)
Letizia Jaccheri
is a professor in Software Engineering at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Department of Computer and Information Science.
She has been working in the software engineering field since her master thesis work in late 80ties. Her interest include software process modelling, object orientation, software engineering education, empirical software engineering, and software engineering in a multi-disciplinary perspective with special attention to art and software. She has written more than sixty refereed papers.

Avi Rosen
is a New Media artist from Haifa/Israel. Since 1997 he is lecturer of "New Media Art" at Art Department of Haifa University, Art Institute of 'Oranim' the 'Kibutzim' seminary, Tivon. Many national and international exhibitions.

Yvonne Martinsson
is a PhD in English lit and the author of Eroticism, Ethics and Reading She works in netbased new media as a writer / artist, is trained in post-structuralism and has in-depth knowledge of semiotics, psychoanalysis and deconstruction, as well as insights into feminism, cultural studies and the 'postmodern condition' and, she is an editor / translator with long experience of linguistic and exicographical work.

Nadja Kutz
Together with Tim Nikolai Hoffmann, Nadja Kutz forms the daytar group presently and run the daytar site. They live and work in Berlin/Germany. Their activities and site include experiments in the intersection of art, math and physics.

Filh [aka Frederic Goudal] is an autidact artist, working on the web since 1995.

Luke Duncalfe
studied at the Intermedia Department of Time-Based Arts, Elam, Auckland He works between the mediums of the Internet and video, and is the net.art curator for Window. He has contributed to art events in Auckland and shown work in the ICECA New Media Festivals in Chiang Mai and Bangkok, Rencontres Internationales in Paris and Berlin, and Prix Ars Electronica in Linz. He works as a part-time tutor at Auckland University of Technology in Visual Arts and as a developer, programming in Ruby and PHP.

About JIP - JavaMuseum Interview Project

JavaMuseum -
Forum for Internet Technology in Contemporary Art
is currently preparing a new project, entitled:
JIP - JavaMuseum Interview Project
to be launched in September 2006

Agricola de Cologne, director of JavaMuseum
invited for an interview a number professionals & artists active in the field of Internet based art
who participated in the "1st phase",
the 18 JavaMuseum showcases 2001-2004,
in order to spotlight their professional background, activities and visions.

JIP - JavaMuseum Interview Project issued further an open call
including 10 questions on Internet based art addressed to
professionals and "amateurs", in order to enable a broader discussion
about the still undervaluated genre of Internet based art
through a variety of different approaches, definitions and opinions.
The entry rules and the questions (cut & paste) are available on
or for free download as PDF

Once completed -
JIP - JavaMuseum Interview Project
will release the collected interviews
and the selection of the most interesting answers
a) online on the new project site - http://jip.javamuseum.org , but
b) immediately also in form of one interview per week on the new weblog -
JIP - JavaMuseum Interview Project
c) to be published as a printed book, later eventually.

Released by
NetEX - networked experience
powered by
www.nmartproject.net -
the experimental platform for art and New Media
operating from Cologne/Germany.
info& contact
info (at) nmartproject.net