I see Warhol's "Coke" in [email protected],I see people from other side Gallery =
who put plain "Coke"in store window to show how hurt they are,to show they =
sterile misunderstanding of this new art art.I see history who rune near yo=
u like road runner but it's so obvious that you can't see it(it's too fast)=
.I see your gluttonous coyote face too stupid to catch bird,to catch sense =
in "mailia".You aspect Manevich to tell you what's new art.Just wait:one da=
y coyote's going to catch bird.This day Good's going to die(again and again=
Wales radio play who frighten millions of honest citizen of U.S.A.I see D.J=
udd's "specific object"in post-neo-whatever attack on bureaucracy safety of=
our computers.I see average American baby who spend 400 time more material=
(water,diapers,cosmetic,food,clothing,medicine…etc)than African baby.
I see U.S.A who refuse to sign international convention about world polluti=
I hear terrible sound of military airplane 5000metars high who throw out bo=
mb on my head from safety distance.
I see "invisible" fiber who fall on Serbian electric cable and live people =
without electric for days,and days,and days…And my people cry in the nigh=
t:"Patrick,do something,it's to heavy to move fingers,this"mailia"is sympto=
m of all our symptoms and we don't want to come face to face with that-extr=
eme shape of democracy-anarchy.Unbearable!We want safe art,safe sex,empty d=
ream with Iraq in pink flower.We can't stand Raw,we want to be Rhizome with=
out responsibility and 'art'.
We want to be just what we are,Subject without "Other"."The Other"bring fil=
thy water and bad infection,the Other is threat.
His name's "mailia".Try it.Good stuff!