new interviews on---->JIP - JavaMuseum Interview Project

[week 3-9 April 2006]
JIP - JavaMuseum Interview Project
is featuring this week the following 5 interviews with
Sharkar Barua (India), Paivi Hintsanen (Finland), Enrico Tomaselli (Italy),
Carlos Katastrofsky (Austria), Humberto Ramirez (Chile/USA)
further the first answers on 10 questions by Jeremy Hight & Ian Page-Echols
Shankar Barua
has for many years been networking e-Creative Practitioners globally with The IDEA [Indian Documentary of Electronic Arts], The AeA [Academy of Electronic Arts] and CeC & CaC [Carnival of e-Creativity & Change-agents Conclave]. He is Managing Trustee of The Academy of Electronic Arts, Special Advisor to Public Affairs Management, The Electronic Music Foundation and EMF-Institute, Co-Curator and also Archives & Documentation Associate of the Thailand Media Art Festival, and Honorary Committee Member of the Digital Art Guild and Museum of the Living Artist International Digital Exhibition, 2006.
Paivi Hintsanen
Paivi Hintsanen (Jyvaskyla, Finland, born in 1970) has worked as freelancer in net projects for different art and culture related organizations since 1996. She also has made several independent/own net projects of which the most important are the online art gallery Spirited Herring / Henkeva Silakka - started in 1997; with one month theme exhibitions, open and free for all) and Coloria project. Independent works include f.ex. large hyper narratives (like The Book of Days and Silence/1940) and also small image based miniprojects.
Carlos Katastrofsky
(aka. Michael Kargl), born on 08/13/1975 in Hall/ Tyrol/ Austria. Lives and works in Vienna, Salzburg and Tyrol.
He studied sculpture at the University 'Mozarteum' of Salzburg since 1998, graduation in 2004 with a work on virtual architecture and cyberspace. Since 2004 teacher at the University Mozarteum, and JavaMuseum participant.
Humberto Ramirez
is an artist originally from Chile. In addition to painting, since the mid nineties, Humberto has been involved with electronic explorations in sound, video and streaming media. Humberto's work presently is concerned with social issues and the power of language in shaping our values and perceptions. This new body of work is being shown electronically on line as well as at traditional screening venues such as art galleries, museums and film/video festivals across the country.
Enrico Tomaselli
is originating from a Sicilian family of artists, his great grandfather Onofrio was a famous portrait and landscape painter of 19th century. Enrico followed the Art Academy of Palermo and later the European Institute of Design in Rome. Currently he is living and working as both, webdesigner and Internet based working artist, who participated in numerous national and international exhibitions, also in JavaMuseum.
About JIP - JavaMuseum Interview Project

JavaMuseum -
Forum for Internet Technology in Contemporary Art
is currently preparing a new project, entitled:
JIP - JavaMuseum Interview Project
to be launched in September 2006 online.

Agricola de Cologne, director of JavaMuseum
invites for an interview a number professionals &
artists active in the field of Internet based art
who participated in the "1st phase",
the 18 JavaMuseum showcases 2001-2004,
in order to spotlight their professional background, activities and visions.

JIP further issued an open call
including 10 questions on Internet based art addressed to
professionals and "amateurs", in order to enable a broader discussion
about the still undervaluated genre of Internet based art
through a variety of different approaches, definitions and opinions.
The entry rules and the questions (cut & paste) are available on

Once completed -
JIP - JavaMuseum Interview Project will release the collected interviews
and the selection of the most interesting answers
a) online on the new project site - , but
b) immediately also in form of one interview per week on the new weblog -
JIP - JavaMuseum Interview Project
c) to be published in a printed form, later as well..

Released by
NetEX - networked experience
powered by
[NewMediaArtProjectNetwork]:||cologne -
the experimental platform for art and New Media
operating from Cologne/Germany.
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