Re: Re: Marshall McLuhan,

> > Literature is not finished because of television or new medias
> > and, the best
> > way to read Literature up to now, are yet common books.

No, McLuhan was right, Literature as we knew it ended.
It will never again be the primary method of distributing stories.
It has been , and has been for awhile, one of many alternate methods of creating and recording narratives and stories.
But I doubt that either Ecco or McCluhan could have anticipated the narratives that Sims/Spore and new Alife/AI promise to create.;=spore

I can see it now:
It's 2068.
A Grandfather is recalling the great world he developed with penta-podic creatures and orange eyes to his grandchildren with the original version of Spore.
One of the kids says "you should re-program it , so that we can pass it down to our own grandchildren…"



, Eric Dymond

Virilio says, and I paraphrase, "Fukuyama was wrong, history didn't die, Geography collapsed" its all about the speed of communication.
As well, Virilio points out that The crisis (Accident) in visual art is not an issue in the performing arts. The performong arts are always in time, the visual arts have to ellicit the concept of time.
Beautifully expanding McLuhans prophecies.

, Eric Dymond

Maschine Hospital wrote:

> und more ultra garbage:
Dear -IID42 Kandinskij (aka MAschine Hospital)

go back to school and complete your education.
then once you have finished high school, look for an Art College or University that might accept you. You'll love every minute of it!