FW: New Issue of Word For/Word ( #9 )

Word For/Word #9 is online at

with poetry and visuals by: Jim Andrews, Aaron Anstett, Cynthia Arrieu-King,
Thomas Basboll, Anne Blonstein, Tim Botta, Michael Broder, Adam Clay, Mark
Dow, Michael Tod Edgerton, Noah Eli Gordon, Michelle Greenblatt, Kate
Greenstreet, Nathan Hauke, W. Scott Howard, Geof Huth, Matthew Klane, Diana
Magallon, Justin Marks, Aaron McCollough, Maurice Oliver, Timothy David
Orme, Derek Pollard, Michael Rerick, Mark Stricker, Lynn Strongin, Steve
Timm, Andrew Topel, Della Watson, and David Wolf,

plus essays by Mike Chasar, Petra Backonja, Scott Wilkerson, and Adam


Jonathan Minton