
I need to do a presentation to kids (two groups, one is 7-11 and one is
12-15) on game mods.

The point of the exercise being to give them more or less what they need to
try doing a mod themselves.

I have never made a mod.

Think I'll concentrate on mods on one game in particular. Suggestions as to
what game I should use?



, Jim Andrews

> velvet strike.
> give peace a chance ;)
> yrs,
> gb

thanks, giselle. i checked it out. i've played counter strike a bit. if i
understand correctly, the mod is a supply of anti-war spray paint graphics?

do you think that upsets the counter strike apple cart sufficiently much?

i forgot to mention that the computers the kids will have access to will
almost certainly be macs; i think counter strike is pc only, isn't it?
