don't be sub-standard

I recently installed 2.0 on my computer. I've been
using NeoOfficeJ for a while because it is a more "mac-friendly"
version of OOo, but they don't seem to keep up with the upgrades very
well. So I decided, for a new project I'm working on, to take OOo 2.0
for a spin. I'm not going to give a detailed report. It's good, I'm
happy with it. But there was one new feature that really caught my
eye. In 2.0, when you save a document, it uses the OpenDocument
standard as default instead of OOo's own .sxw format. This is
important. OpenDocument is an open standard which means that in 2500
(or whenever it was that someone mentioned in the Malevich
discussion), it's more likely that people (if they're still around)
will be able to open, read and edit your OpenDoc files than if they
had been saved in MS proprietary .doc format which they will probably
have taken with them to the grave by 2500.


Pall Thayer
[email protected]