RHIZOME DIGEST: 01.27.06-Despised schizoanalizys

Despised schizoanalizys

Participant in discussion:
Francis Hwang <[email protected]>
Dirk Vekemans <[email protected]>
Eric Dymond <[email protected]>
Marisa Olson <[email protected]>
Pall Thayer <[email protected]>
judsoN <[email protected]>
Rob Myers <[email protected]>
Miklos Legrady<[email protected]>
MANIK<[email protected]

Schizoanalizys is one of main theme in opus of philosophers Deleuze&Guattar=
i and rhizome&rhizomatic order is framework of their opus.
Our esteemed colleague and 19 exchange meditation trough E-mails,
topic direct connected with essence of Rhizome org.
and furthermore with ability of human entity to participate in crucial cha=
llenge of our life and time
are not enough to find place in RHIZOME DIGEST: 01.27.06?
Marija Vauda& Nikola Pilipovic-MANIK
artist from Belgrade


, Eric Dymond

no, it was fun,
but it wasn't new art.
helluva catch 22 ain't it?

Eric Dymond <[email protected]>
1/29/06 8:43:37 AM

Eric wrote:
no, it was fun,
but it wasn't new art.
helluva catch 22 ain't it?

What new&specific "new art" have to do
with schizoanalizys?
Rhizome_Raw is
place for investigate problems
of "here-present"life,with
particular attention on art
in general .
Our observation in"Despised schizoanalizys"
could be *cognition* about future of Digest.
For example:topic with 50 reply, and
participation of 50 Rhizome member
in future could be arrogant substitute
with some interview?