Perfect Malevich

"Better Malevich in hand,than 010101010101 on branch."
(paraphrase of maxim:"Better sparrow in hand,than pigeon on branch.")
Lunk can call his work however he like,only one's important:to stay away fr=
om bad company and drugs.Actually it is *perfect Malevich*,but he never men=
tioned "original Malevich",which is totally different than perfect?And,fina=
lly:what's so wrong to have *perfect Malevich*?I think it's generous(man gi=
ve us code)and educate.Oh,yes,I almost forget Pall's description of LeWitt'=
s drawing:there's no dimensions and which kind of yellow,blue,…etc,he use=
.Or you don't want to tell us?

~What I think that is important is to explore in digital mediums all the
possibilities of recognized Works of Art, it is a way of continue creating=

with that work. It means that the work continues alive. Exactely for this=

Creative Commons and Free Art are so important.~(Regina)

How can we "recognized Works of Art"?By take what *art* advertise as"Work =
of Art"?
People talking about peripheral think(Lunk) instead to discus important occ=
urrence(010101010101 org) which
actually determine main stream in N.M.Art and bring *fashion*which is very =
difficult to
control.Abstract expressionism(first NATO art) 50 years ago was one of thos=
e punster .
Huge contingent of worthless art object in service of USA cultural expansio=
nism.That's what's just happened with 010101010101 org.
and their"Neo-Nato"art.Just follow their finances,I'm sure there's interest=
ing thing to see.
Especially Americans enthusiasm for their last "Project"talk more that thou=
sand words.
I don't know how to continue to work after 010…:to call Penelope for coop=
erate(she was,if I remember actress in Hollywood?And I doubt in her good wi=
ll to work with MANIK?There must be good reason she "give"her face to 01.
Or to search Evan in some jungle(he also was Hollywood actor).Is that kin=
d of black list with their face,because of their work in Hollywood?Totally =
inarticulate Project.And successful!
And what exactly Creative Commons and Free Art are going to do
with Neo-Nato art.To support something which is supported from all sides?
Neo-Nato is winner.I talk to future.It's very cold outside,I see useless of=
my writing,new scorn…That
make me worm.

~How to make a perfect Malevich painting using only basic HTML code

~Six-part drawing. The wall is divided horizontally and vertically
into six equal parts. 1st part: On red, blue horizontal parallel
lines, and in the center, a circle within which are yellow vertical
parallel lines; 2nd part: On yellow, red horizontal parallel lines,
and in the center, a square within which are blue vertical parallel
lines; 3rd part: On blue, yellow horizontal parallel lines, and in
the center, a triangle within which are red vertical parallel lines;
4th part: On red, yellow horizontal parallel lines, and in the
center, a rectangle within which are blue vertical parallel lines;
5th part: On yellow, blue horizontal parallel lines, and in the
center, a trapezoid within which are red vertical parallel lines; 6th
part: On blue, red horizontal parallel lines, and in the center, a
parallelogram within which are yellow vertical parallel lines. The
horizontal lines do not enter the figures.