random-END of zen

Since we received our mail over Mail Washer ascco's on black list,which me=
an we don't read their mail(sorry ascoo you are boring like diarrhea).But a=
scoo have a MISSION,and dear gnaws,in my opinion they're going to earn thei=
r first 100$ before became adult.
Story's next:Sunday afternoon,my life's disaster,poverty.I read mail…noth=
ing,shit,nothing,win billion$(only thing I win last years was herpes)and su=
ddenly!!!like in Titanic(with Leonardo da Vinci) lightning,providence-I rea=
lize that working class must die young and go on the Ocean bottom &rich peo=
ple must throw blue diamante in same Ocean when they became senile.Digressi=
on!I've push The Button and this lowly text spread in front of my eye(this=
one below).
Clash is that it was first and only one time I push their(ascoo's) mail in =
last several month.
So dear random theoretic what's conclusion:ascco have a future.
And ascoo,be little diligent and pick up all material about MANIK from Int=
ernet and send us.You'll get ice cream.
And next time put something on subject space for your friends MANIK.
If I push button with MANIK'S name in contend I going to start believe in>|=
Donald Trump is biggest Zen master on whole world.What do you think about i=

[email protected]
1/22/06 2:50:23 PM
[email protected]
(asco-o) subject:

11th February, 2005
Filed under: Generative Art - Rob Myers @ 10:09 pm
I like MANIK's art. Their current HTML text work, like Chris Ashley's HTML =
table work, makes an engaging high art in a medium that you wouldn't expect=
to have the aesthetic bandwidth.


MANIK's work constantly makes me revisit my assumptions about the form of a=
rt, whilst animating my belief in the continuing possibilities of its conte=
nt. I hope they get an archive of their email pieces from the Rhizome list =
together, those are the perfect complement to this. The Rhizome pieces are =
more like this one:

New Page In Art History (be sure to read the PDF).
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