Anyone in/near Cambridgeshire? -Fw: Invitation to a Private Viewing on Wednesday 4th January 2006 - TEMPORARY

Incredibly late notice I know but I have a piece in this & if anyone is within spitting distance of March Town Hall tomorrow night it'd be nice to see you there.

—– Forwarded Message —-
From: karen harvey <[email protected]>
To: karen harvey <[email protected]>
Sent: 03 January 2006 21:00:11
Subject: FW: Invitation to a Private Viewing on Wednesday 4th January 2006 - TEMPORARY



I hope you all had a good Christmas and New Year festivities.

This is your invitation to the private viewing of art @ March Town Hall's first
open national exhibition entitled TEMPORARY. The viewing will take place on
the evening of Wednesday January 4th between 7.30pm- 9pm.

The word temporary can be interpreted in its widest sense. Things which we consider to be permanent are really only temporary on an alternative scale. Everything is temporary: from a split second moment in time to an entire age. A person, a moment, a feeling, a response- nothing lasts forever, everything is temporary.

The exhibition will continue to the 18th January 2006, open 10am-4pm each day (not Sundays).

You/your family and any guests of yours or anyone else you know who may be interested are most welcome to share this exicting evening with us to meet the artists and check out the work of all mediums from the visual, the 3D to the digital.

Karen Harvey, our Visual Arts Officer, has been working on this project for sometime now and has generated a mass of interest from very skill artists from across the British Isles and beyond.

I hope to see you on the evening of the 4th. Your support is appreciated and is noted in order to maximise other opportunities in the future and please feel free to forward this email and this exclusive opportunity onto others who may be interested. Apologies if you have already recieved this email before Christmas.

Best wishes,

Joseph Ballard
Artistic Director, arts @ March Town Hall
Arts Development Manager, Fenland Arts
Director, Fenland Theatre Arts Courses

| arts @ March Town Hall
| Market Place, March.
| Cambs. PE15 9JF
| 01354 652769
| <>

| Fenland Arts Association, registered charity no. 800929

THEATRE ARTS COURSES FOR 6-18s every Tuesday here at the Town Hall. Call us for more details!
Coming soon - heART - exhibition and charity auction from 3-15 February 2006.

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Think before you ink - do you really need to print this?

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