Jrnl of Aesth. & Protest #4 Print Issue Available Now!!!

Hot off the press!
#4 issue of The Journal of Aesthetics and Protest

Available in paperback,
236 pages of radicality.
Contact us at contact(at)journalofaestheticsandprotest.org or order a
subscription at

Also available at:
33 1/3 in Los Angeles***Quimby's in Chicago***Bluestockings in New
York***ProQM in Berlin
You can also order copies through AK Press.


1 Excerpt from issue's forward
2 Issue's Table of Contents
3 Ultra-red performance at LACE (non-journal event)
4 New Orleans Art Auction (non-journal event)
5 Walking to Guantanamo to Witness Torture (journal writer announcement)
6 Slide Library

1 Excerpt from issue's forward
We are dancing in the dark. Tough luck kids. In January 2005, we held a
dark mass and wailed. We are now dark energy. Darkness has shifted with
this ever-expanding fucked-up system. Our dearly held agendas and
assumptions- once truisms- are now suspect. How can we work in this
glue gloom?

On May 13, 2004 cultural production in 5 cities in the Center of the
United States just stopped. The towns themselves didn't seem to notice,
their TV's still brought in moving images, their radios still played
the programmed music. It was unclear if the disappearance was a
coordinated act of refusal, or if the producers were taken away. It is
unclear whether similar events have occurred elsewhere. Are they dead?
Have they disappeared, are they dead or are they in hiding?

This fourth issue of the Journal of Aesthetics and Protest has been
most difficult to put together.

2 Issue's Table of Contents
Interview with Brian Holmes- By Robby Herbst
An open letter to Kalle Lasn- By Yael Grauer
Cooing over the Gold Phallus- By Sarah Kanouse
The Baby Haters- By Laurie Pike
A Critique of Current Social Change Politics- By Selina Musuta and
Darby Hickey (web only)
The interviewed thoughts of MT Karthik- By Marc Herbst
Lessons for the Left from Madison Avenue- Stephen Duncombe (web only)
PILOT TV: Experimental Media for Feminist Trespass!!!- By Daniel Tucker
and Emily Forman
Precarity explained to kids- by Aviv Kruglanski
Time for the Dead to have a Word with the Living- By Ultra-red
Seeing the Disappeared- By Chitra Ganesh
Physiology of the Oppressed- By David Murphy
The Flip Side to the Commodification of Revolution- By Nato Thompson
Temporary Public Spaces- By Ashley Hunt
Interview with Susan Greene- By Josh On (web only)
New Solidarities: After Ideology and Culture, There Is History- By Dan
S. Wang
Anti-war politics after the public sphere- By Craig Willse
On quasi-cinemas and hand grenades- By Mariana Botey with Cara Baldwin
Building a Future in the Here and Now- By Chris Carlsson
Toward an Embodied Home- By Doran George and Sarah Payton with Lauren
Hartman (web only)
WHAT HAPPENED ON NOVEMBER 2, 2004- Compiled by Gregory Laynor (web only)
Re-enacting Stonewall, Jackson that is- By Matt Wolf with Allison Smith

For a list of this issue's art projects, see

3 Ultra-red performance at LACE
16 December | 7 PM Doors Open | 7:30 PM Performances Start
Ultra-red | Adam Overton | Slanguage | Jeff Cain

Taking a break from their SILENT|LISTEN performances, Ultra-red review
the record accumulating from their inquiry into the state of the AIDS
epidemic in Bushnation. From Baltimore to Los Angeles to Pittsburgh,
Ultra-red have staged conversations with AIDS activists and organizers
on the ground. For this special performance, Ultra-red consider how the
voice itself functions as an object. Dangerously wandering off script,
liberated from the delusions of the ego, the voice becomes an object of
desire and anxiety. Ultra-red unleash "The Object Voice," integrating
real-time sound-processing and spoken reflection. The object voice par
excellence, is silence.

4 New Orleans Art Auction

5 Walking to Guantanamo to Witness Torture
"Journal contributor Frida Berrigan writes that she is currently with a
group in Cuba attempting to meet with prisoners in Guantanamo Bay.

6 Slide Library
The Journal of Aesthetics and Protest Slide Archive & Library

CONTRIBUTE to the archive

Print out the PDF, fill it out and send it in along with five labeled
slide or your video or posters (etc) and images.
Mail to Journal of Aesthetics and Protest 3424 Council Street LA, CA