Re: Lev Manovich 5 questions about digital culture - 5 days left.

—– Original Message —–
From: "francesco colella" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Friday, December 09, 2005 2:34 PM
Subject: RHIZOME_RAW: Lev Manovich 5 questions about digital culture - 5
days left.

1./ We live in 'remix' culture. Are there limits to remixing? Can anything
remixed with anything? Shall there be an ethics of remixing?

Who are *WE*?Maybe L.M talk to chosen person,race,nation,to him self(see
definition for*we*below)?This *we*have some"that goes without saying"note
which could be paradigm of elitism and latent racism.Or it could be
pantheism and inarticulate love for all people on the world.But his duty is
to be precise.
"We" live in flat (
Earth,medieval space imagination-eternal return with,every time worst
consequences,can't except apprehension about
different shape(curve).Why?I suppose because somebody could hide behind
horizon of
"consensus of minority which lied and control majority-west
democracy",behind this perfidious invention of panoptic created mind and
strategy.Earth as a product of their ideology is flat
surface,reservation,prison,always under control-in glance one from
panoptic-tower(video surveillance,satellite) could see suspicious shapes in
bare playground for permanent control and
propaganda…Producing&Consuming…Military presence in every part of The
World,or globalism as euphemism for killing and war as flywheel for new wave
of spending old and producing new technologies(powered uranium for new PC).
of "Main Subject"(2)determine *we*category in L.M warehouse of
concepts.So,who are *we* in this question and how can "we"continued with
answer without proper question?

(*WE*)myself (used instead of myself when a writer or speaker would refer to
himself in the nominative case as we. Normally, the reflexive case of we is
The speakers, or the speaker and at least one other person(Dictionary)
(2)Term by J.Habermas ,point on U.S.A