Call for submissions - World Aids Day

Call for submissions
Deadline 31 December 2005 - afterwards ongoing

1 December - WORLD AIDS Day

1 December is every day all over the year.
Every day people become infected by the HIV virus.
The number of infected people is rapidly increasing.
Although AIDS became meanwhile a desease of the poor with millions of infections and people who died of AIDS in Africa, Asia and South America,
the number of HIV infections in the Western countries started increasing again, as well,
and the young generations are mostly not aware of the security risks of unprotected sexual contacts.

Dear artists,
show your solidarity with the HIV infected people,
by making a submission to the "Memorial for the Victims of AIDS" , and
by supporting in one or the other way
one the numerous local humanitarian organisations dealing with AIDS and HIV infected people.

Send an image (.jpg), text (plain email, .txt), movie (Quicktime, Flash) or URL related to AIDS together with your name and email address to
[email protected]

All serious submissions will be included and posted immediately.

This call is also released on
NetEX - networked experience