Force of Nature: Frank Moore Panel @ SVAhttp://newsgrist.typepad.com/underbelly/2005/11/force_of_nature.html
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>> Please join us on December 6th!> The Gesso Foundation>> FORCE OF NATURE: THE ART AND ACTIVISM OF FRANK MOORE> A PANEL DISCUSSION AT SCHOOL OF VISUAL ARTS>> Tuesday, December 6, 2005, 7 - 9pm>> School of Visual Arts> 209 East 23rd Street, 3rd-floor Amphitheater>> SUGGESTED ADMISSION: $10; SVA students, free. All proceeds will be> donated to Visual AIDS to benefit artists living with HIV.> For more information, call Dan Halm, external relations coordinator,> 212.592.2062>> School of Visual Arts (SVA) and Visual AIDS, in partnership with the> Gesso Foundation, present Force of Nature: The Art and Activism of> Frank Moore, a panel and conversation celebrating the late New> York-based painter who was a pioneering advocate for individuals with> HIV/AIDS, both in his own artwork and leadership role in Visual AIDS.> Scheduled to coincide with World AIDS Day (Thursday, December 1), the> event will take place on Tuesday, December 6, at 7pm, at the School of> Visual Arts, 209 East 23rd Street, 3rd-floor Ampitheater, New York> City.>> An internationally-recognized artist whose works are found in the> collection of the Museum of Modern Art, Frank Moore was also a longtime> board member of Visual AIDS and a collaborating member of a group of> artists who conceived and launched the [Red] Ribbon Project, which in> 1991 created one of the most enduring symbols of AIDS awareness.> Moore's paintings