Fwd: Announcing: "Explorer Destroyer" and "Kill Bill's Browser"

This will be of interest to those following browser battles and/or
interested in how the popularity of certain browsers effects the usability
of certain web-based art projects. It also outlines a way to "get Google's

Subject: Announcing: "Explorer Destroyer" and "Kill Bill's Browser"
From:"Downhill Battle - Action Lists" <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 09 Nov 2005 10:06:05 -0500

Hey everyone,

Today we're starting a Downhill Battle-style campaign to switch users from
Microsoft Internet Explorer (boo!) to Firefox (yeah!). Many have worked
on this noble cause, but we think now's the time to step it up a
notch–and get people paid in the process.

Check it out, and pass it on to friends (especially anybody with a website):




Google is offering $1 for every referral to Firefox with Google toolbar.
So, we made a free script that you can install on your website to detect
IE and encourage people to switch. For every user you encourage to
switch, you get a $1.

For some time now, some of us who work on Downhill Battle have been been
thinking about trying to get more aggressive about switching people from
Internet Explorer to the better, open source browser, Firefox. When
Google announced the bait, we figured the time was right to help
sites get their readers to switch. It's very possible to get Internet
Explorer down to under 50% of all web browsers. This is the best chance
we've ever had.

Today we have two new sites for that campaign. You can go to our first
more serious site to get the script to install on your website and get
Google's money. Check it out:


The second is a parody site. It also tells you why Firefox is worth
switching to. You know how we do. Send it to friends, maybe it'll help
convince them to switch.


So, let's give Internet Explorer that death blow it's been begging for.
Get the script or tell your friends who run websites to get the script.

Let us know how you like it, and please, spread it around.

Enjoy and destroy,

Nicholas, Holmes, Nick, Tiffiniy
