video of Harold Cohen talk

Apologies if this link has been on the list before (I imagine it has);
here's a video of Harold Cohen giving a talk at the Tate gallery (April
2004): . "He is the
author of the celebrated AARON program, an ongoing research effort in
autonomous machine (art making) intelligence which began…in 1973."

There were various interesting threads in this talk. The trajectory of his
work has sort of followed the trajectory of AI in that he started out trying
to get the thing to do make art rather like a human might do so, and has
instead found himself considering its abilities in terms not of the human
but of a different sort of 'intelligence'.

He talks about the role of programming in his art, about tools that do not
require expertise and tools that do.

It's an interesting talk by one of the seminal artist-programmers.

I found this link, by the way, on , Antoine Schmitt's
wonderful page of links.

Does anyone know of a great list of links to lectures/talks? That'd be very
entertaining and enlightening, wouldn't it?



, Rob Myers

On 6 Nov 2005, at 19:37, Jim Andrews wrote:

> Apologies if this link has been on the list before (I imagine it has);
> here's a video of Harold Cohen giving a talk at the Tate gallery
> (April
> 2004): .
> "He is the
> author of the celebrated AARON program, an ongoing research effort in
> autonomous machine (art making) intelligence which began…in 1973."

I was at that talk, it was very good. Hmmm. 1973 was my birthday as
well. :-)

I have a page of Harold Cohen & AARON links at:

My program draw-something was inspired by AARON. You can get the
source code at:

- Rob.