leveling your existence, even with an iBook

For those who may have been disappointed to discover that my
Carpenter's Level Dashboard Widget didn't work on their iBooks
despite them having the necessary AMS hardware, now you too can start
evening out your life. I have a version that appears to work on
iBooks available for download at http://pallit.lhi.is/palli/dashlevel/
ibook/levelwidget.wdgt.zip I would appreciate it if you do try it
that you drop me a line letting me know how it works for you. If
you've been wanting to do some experimenting with Apple's Sudden
Motion Sensor, you can get the program used for reading the sensor
info by going to ~/Library/Widgets on your computer, ctrl-click on
levelwidget.wdgt and select "show contents". There you will find the
terminal application "motion" plus source code and makefile. Have fun.


Pall Thayer
[email protected]