"we are conditioned by our apparatus" flusser
"the medium is the message?" mcluhan
"genohype" oron katz SymbioticA
"i don't mind if a software program is making art, as long as there is a
software program to read it for me and tell me if i liked it", christian
"technoshamanism" gb
"the only spirit i believe in is distilled in Scotland" komninos
"the reason computers will never replace poets is that computers wont take
that much shit" charles bernstein
"as soon as it has a name it is romantic" komninos
komninos zervos
lecturer, CyberStudies major
School of Arts
Griffith University
Room 3.25 Multimedia Building G23
Gold Coast Campus
PMB 50 Gold Coast Mail Centre
Queensland 9726
Phone 07 5552 8872 Fax 07 5552 8141
"Our Workplace Rights are NOT for sale."
—–[email protected] wrote: —–
To: Jim Andrews <[email protected]>
From: giselle beiguelman <[email protected]>
Sent by: [email protected]
Date: 20/09/2005 08:04PM
cc: [email protected]
Subject: Re: RHIZOME_RAW: Re: Call for Proposals at Readme 100 Software Art
so good to restart
(off topic: the cows – not ours – but those of the cow parade – are
all around sao paulo! a moooo for you)
technoshamanism: (Sorry for the "x". it's portuenglish….)
this is the hype. the trend and i can't stand trendies and trendism.
following them, you "receive" your "to_do list".
give me a break. i don't. i work too hard and i do not receive
anything and because of this i can not just tell someone to do this
and that for tomorrow. i think machines are real participants, i
believe (in) error messages, i trust computers and their indifference
to my targets and passions.
so tecnoshamanism, the global cortex, the cyberthing does not make
sense for me (and for my senses)
in what concerns the other question, i will quote Flusser again and
agree with you:
we are conditioned by our apparatus.
2005/9/20, Jim Andrews <[email protected]>:
> > come on, lee, do you think that the mouse is just another kind of
> > i'm sure you don't.
> > so let's put this way:
> > it is impossible to talk about digital art without understanding that
> > *it is digital* and this means: to be conscious that we work not just
> > with code – what is a too broad term and not a concept – but with
> > programming languages.
> > and language is a virus (ins't it?)
> > the idea that you can always hire someone to do the "boring part" of
> > the work is a romantic idea. inspiration does not match with media
> > creation. otherwise we will bet on tecnoxamanism…
> well said, giselle.
> could you please expand on your last sentence? why is it that "otherwise
> will bet on" technoshamanism? what is it and why do we otherwise bet on
> "inspiration does not match with media creation". in writing, much
> in the process of writing. the most boring things to write (and read) are
> pre-configured ideas that you simply write out. same with working in
> arts. Because so much happens in the act of writing or painting, ie,
> through the ideas and implications and previously unrealized associations
> and consequences of the initial impetus. through the process of
> creation/writing/whatever. in my experience, this is also true of
> computer programs as works of art.
> some programmers who work for artists treat the artist like any other
> of client, ie, give them what they want, don't be too critical, they're
> paying the bill. usually this results in bad art. or it doesn't 'work for
> me', anyway. then again, i'm out of work!
> very interesting to read in this thread some thoughts and feelings on the
> tensions of this relation. hopefully it allows both artist and
> programmer–and programmer-artist–to see personal situations reflected
> general shapes that affect art and life–and jobs, working relations–and
> the notion of an art of programming beyond Knuth's conception of it.
> ja
> http://vispo.com
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Re: spiritual romanticism - kirie laison
Type: discussion
how about tahiti?
the point of convergence for
the festival of 'the mad –guru moo-cow whisky– parade'
now if the french university of tahiti, http://www.upf.pf/ wants to
sponsor the festival and enlist the help of local artists like;
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Gauguin and
but i notice they are dead.
of course captain james cook was the first to bring cows to the islands. he
is also dead.
his father was a scottish farmer and undoubtably captain cook was the first
to bring whisky to tahiti.
he is also credited with bringing whisky to australia, as well as syphilis,
influenza and
there are plenty of cows there it seems, http://www.gcollier.com/t4.html
even enough to power a methane-gas production plant.
and to ban suspicious mad cow US beef.
so lets get a government grant
and a distillery sponsorship
and walk the streets of papette
as spiritual mad cows
romantically post modern
dancing the tuamotu atoll texnoshamanist roll
what do you say jim?
what do you mean mad cow?
i'm not a cow, i'm a koala
komninos zervos
lecturer, CyberStudies major
School of Arts
Griffith University
Room 3.25 Multimedia Building G23
Gold Coast Campus
PMB 50 Gold Coast Mail Centre
Queensland 9726
Phone 07 5552 8872 Fax 07 5552 8141
"Our Workplace Rights are NOT for sale."
oops i forgot the list hasn't seen your original email to me giselle
giselle beiguelman wrote:
<<the only spirit i believe in is distilled in Scotland>> kz
may i quote this?
miss you and jim…are you going to london?
i'm not… we should organize something.
what about "the mad – spiritual – cow parade"?
komninos zervos