There was this belief, scuse me if I embarass anyone…
Has to do with human spirit interacting with physical matter, both
are transformed thereby. For example, a child learns to walk;
his/her desire for mobility changes his/her physiology.
Strangely enough, some people believed that acquiring skill and
mastery in a medium
led to mature and shopisticated work. Kostabi, on the other hand…
along with the museums that bought "his" work… tell us you can hire
other artists to do the work for you.
Does this apply in quantum physics? If I hire a physicist, do I get the Nobel?
>makes sense.
>post-modernism is a very romantic idea…
>2005/9/20, [email protected] <[email protected]>:
>> >
>> >the idea that you can always hire someone to do the "boring part" of
>> >the work is a romantic idea.
> > actually it's post-modernist. (See Kostabi)
Miklos Legrady
310 Bathurst st.
Toronto ON.
M5T 2S3
postmodernist romanticism
Type: discussion
On 20 Sep 2005, at 23:12, [email protected] wrote:
> There was this belief, scuse me if I embarass anyone…
> Has to do with human spirit interacting with physical matter, both
> are transformed thereby. For example, a child learns to walk; his/
> her desire for mobility changes his/her physiology.
This requires belief in Spirit, which is Romantic.
> Strangely enough, some people believed that acquiring skill and
> mastery in a medium
> led to mature and shopisticated work. Kostabi, on the other
> hand… along with the museums that bought "his" work… tell us
> you can hire other artists to do the work for you.
But Kostabi is also Romantic, as his spirit underwrites his act of
signing work.
> Does this apply in quantum physics? If I hire a physicist, do I
> get the Nobel?
No. But then this isn't the model Kostabi is following either: he is
a more Romantic figure than the solitary artist. If he wasn't, his
signature (the mark of authentic genius) wouldn't have the
transformative effect that it (supposedly) has.
- Rob.
On Sep 20, 2005, at 5:12 PM, [email protected] wrote:
> Does this apply in quantum physics? If I hire a physicist, do I get
> the Nobel?
no, the physicists "hire" research assistants (usually students) who
probably get pizza as their consolation prize.
i think "creative" laborers of all kinds should unite in one global
union… "Hell no, we won't code!" But the art mafia will surely break
up any such effort. they're ruthless, and damn powerful. i heard
kostabi and koons have their own knee breaking squad (for light
offenses) - off duty coca cola thugs back from central america. there
are rumors of former artist assistants that have even "disappeared"
after trying to organize.
let's hear it for the repressed art coders, holding up the art world on
their invisible shoulders, saving us from artists who don't know Java
from javascript, only to suffer brutal oppression.
i think "creative" laborers of all kinds should unite in one global union…
I senatori sono buoni uomini, il senato e bestial.
"senators are all good men, but the senate is bestial"
As a group, would we be different?
I make a meager living from design, yet it's better paying and less tiring
then when I used to beat up schoolkids for their lunch money.
Miklos Legrady
310 Bathurst st.
Toronto ON.
M5T 2S3