Fwd: Celebrate Constitution Day this Saturday September 17th

Begin forwarded message:
> My Daily Constitution presents:
> A Constitution Day Celebration
> on Constitution Day, Saturday September 17th, 2005
> With the Discussion: "What Responsibility does a Government Have to Its
> Citizens?"
> and Music by Matty D. & Friends (www.mattdemerritt.com).
> Article 1 Section 8.: The Congress Shall have Power To….
> After Hurricane Katrina's devastation and our government's failure to
> protect our citizens, My Daily Constitution marks Constitution Day by
> raising broader questions about the role of a government and its
> citizen
> body.
> Discussion led by:
> Dr. DAVID L. HORNE, Professor, Pan African Studies, California State
> University; Director of the California African American Political
> Institute, and Dr. AMIR HUSSAIN, Associate Professor, Department of
> Theological Studies, Loyola Marymount University.
> at: KAOS Network in Leimert Park Village
> (www.lacitybeat.com/article.php?id 87&IssueNum2)
> 4343 Leimert Blvd.
> Los Angeles, CA 90008
> 5:00 PM - Discussion
> 7:00 PM - Reception 'till 9:00 PM
> Free and Open to the Public - Complimentary Copy of the U.S.
> Constitution
> For All.
> More info at:
> www.mydailyconstitution.org
> 310 804.4887
> My Daily Constitution is an interdisciplinary project bringing together
> leading innovators, people, and the U.S. Constitution, creating a space
> where an active interpretation of the US Constitution may take place.
> engages in Constitution Cafes (a series of interactive discussions) and
> cultural / arts programming. Past Constitution Cafes have been held in
> Los
> Angeles, New York City, Seattle, and Cincinnati.