Censorship of artwork at St Francis College Brooklyn - please read & act

HI all
Please read the mail below, from an artist called
Tracy Phillips, who has had an artwork removed from a
show at St Francis College by the authorities there.
I've posted an image of the piece at:
*Please* send protest e mails to Frank Macchiarola,
President of the college:

fmacchia@ stfranciscollege.edu

and copy to Tracy at

Tracy Phillips <[email protected]>

Please also forward/blog this as appropriate.

I've pasted my own letter of protest at the bottom of
this mail.

> Hello Michael,
> Robert Roth gave me your name and suggested I
> contact
> you. He thought you might have some ideas that
> could
> be of help.
> On Sept. 9th, I removed my painting from a show at
> St.
> Francis College. The college had determined that it
> was offensive and wanted it moved to a less visible
> spot in the show. I have not been told why the
> piece
> was considered a problem (I have attached a copy of
> the image for you). I feel as though the piece is
> being marginalized and my voice as an artist is
> being
> squelched.
> The reception for the show was on the 9th. However
> the show was actually hung for view on the 1st of
> September. I found out on the 9th, that the piece
> had
> been taken down by the college. It Hadn't Been Up
> All
> Week! The curator (the show was put together by an
> independent curator) made a rather feeble attempt to
> get the college to reconsider. They agreed to allow
> her to hang the piece in it's original space for the
> opening only. The curator wants to maintain her
> relationship with the college and won't rock the
> boat.
> As a result I've been left to try to organize some
> sort of response on my own. This is new to me and
> I'm
> not even sure how to begin. I am furious at the
> college for their narrow mindedness and attack on my
> right to express myself as an artist, the curator,
> and
> my fellow artists in the show for their apathy. So
> far a couple of artists have threatened to pull
> their
> work if mine is not reinstated, but no one has done
> so
> yet. The curator has asked that people contact the
> college president and demand that the piece be
> returned. I sent out an email tonight to everyone I
> know with the info. The college President is Frank
> J.
> Macchiarola, 718-522-2300
> The painting is titled "She became obsessed with
> thoughts of forbidden fruit". It is in Oil.
> copyright
> 2005
> I would appreciate any suggestions or help you have
> to
> give.
> Thanks,
> Tracy Phillips

Dear Mr Macchiarola
I'm an artist and educator from the UK and I'm writing
to you to protest at the decision to remove the
artwork by Tracy Phillips from the Dining In/Dining
Out show at the college.
This contravenes all accepted norms, not only of the
presentation of artwork but also of academic freedom.
If the work was in any sense controversial one might
at least *understand*, if not agree with, your actions
-however what seems to be the case is that you took
exception to a truthful depiction of old age. ( and,
it should be said, rather a marvellous painting)
I took a look at your web site and I took particular
note of this passage from your president's message:
"The other quality that makes St. Francis stand out is
its commitment to promoting the development of the
whole person, including those important values found
in Catholic Education: freedom, tolerance, respect for
each other. "
Unfortunately in this case the three qualities you
claim to value seem to be in short supply -perhaps you
made an error either in wording your message or in
your actions with regard to the exhibition because
surely no-one in your position of caring for
developing minds could be *consciously* capable of
such a level of hypocrisy.
I would be interested to read your response as I'm
sure would many of my colleagues worldwide.
Michael Szpakowski