


Pamela Z
2948 16th Street
San Francisco, CA 94103
p: 415.864.8855
Thursdays-Saturdays, September 8-10, 15-17, 2005
doors open 7:30 pm performance at 8 pm
$10-$20 sliding scale admission

Wunderkabinet is a new experimental multi-media opera developed by composer/performer Pamela Z in collaboration with cellist/composer Matthew Brubeck and media artist Christina McPhee. Scored for voice & electronics, cello & electronics, & video, the piece is inspired by and based on the exhibits displayed at the enchanting and renowned Museum of Jurassic Technology in Los Angeles. Wunderkabinet premieres this month with a two-week run at The LAB Gallery in San Francisco.

The boundary between reality and imagination is blurred as Wunderkabinet's central character "Alice May Williams" makes her strange and magical journey in search of the scientists of the Mount Wilson Observatory to whom she has been sending abundant correspondence, only to find herself in a strange cabinet of curiosities where she eventually becomes a docent.

The music of Wunderkabinet is performed by Pamela Z (voice and live electronic processing) and Matthew Brubeck (cello & electronics, and a multi-layered set (largely comprised of projected images created by Christina McFee) evoking the dark yet radiant focus of the museum dioramas forms the backdrop for this evocative experience. The score (composed by Pamela Z and cellist Matt Brubeck) utilizes bowed and plucked strings, sampled found objects, and a wide range of vocal work ranging from operatic bel canto to experimental extended vocal techniques and spoken text. The libretto is derived from passages of actual descriptive texts from the Museum of Jurassic Technology's exhibitions and stories inspired by them.
