online video and the future of television

Begin forwarded message:

> Archival TV and Intelligent Television present:
> Getting Ready for Prime Time: Online Video and the Future of Television
> Friday, September 30, 2005
> 9.30 a.m. - 4.30 p.m.
> The Hillside Club
> 2286 Cedar Street
> Berkeley, CA 94709
> More than 30 million hours of unique television programming are
> broadcast every year worldwide, and a growing fraction of it is
> digital, along with a flood of video from individuals, new production
> companies, and archives. The availability of large-scale public and
> private archives of television, video, and film offers enormous promise
> for educators, entrepreneurs, producers, broadcasters, and investors.
> Nearly every aspect of television and video today is in transition.
> Storage is moving from tape to disk, distribution is moving from
> broadcast networks to the Internet, schedules are giving way to
> unscheduled or on-demand access, and viewing now happens via PCs,
> mobile phones, and home theaters.
> This one-day conference brings together archivists, educators,
> technologists, entrepreneurs, producers, legal experts, and investors
> to explore the enormous promise offered by the availability of online
> video and television content. Demonstrations and interactive panel
> discussions will highlight new video technologies, services, legal
> issues, and economic models. Participants from diverse – and until
> now, largely disconnected – specialties will be especially encouraged
> to interact.
> Speakers include:
> Alexander Cohen, (founder,
> Brewster Kahle (digital librarian, Internet Archive)
> Jeff Ubois (producer,
> JD Lasica (author, Darknet)
> Josh Goldman (CEO, Akimbo)
> Kim Spencer (president, Link TV)
> Marc Canter (co-founder,
> Marc Davis (founding director of Yahoo! Research Labs - Berkeley
> (YRL-B))
> Mary Hodder (CEO, Bloqx)
> Peter Hirshberg (board member, ICTV)
> Peter B. Kaufman (founder, Intelligent Television)
> Rick Prelinger (founder, the Prelinger Archive)
> Ryan Shaw, (SIMS; YRL-B;
> Scott Kirsner (contributing editor, Release 1.0)
> Registration and Sponsorship
> Thanks to the generosity of the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation,
> the Association of Moving Image Archivists' Television Interest Group,
> and others, financial contributions by individual participants to
> support the conference are voluntary. We ask that all participants
> register in advance via e-mail, as below.
> The conference is the first in a series of meetings Archival TV and
> Intelligent Television are organizing on this theme in 2005-2006. This
> first meeting is taking place at The Hillside Club, one of Berkeley's
> oldest cultural institutions. The Hillside Club is wi-fi enabled and
> convenient to public transportation.
> Directions:
> By car: From Oakland or the Bay Bridge, take Hwy 80 and exit at
> University, make a quick RIGHT under the freeway and onto the frontage
> road, and turn RIGHT at the 4RENT sign onto Cedar St. Continue straight
> two miles past Shattuck and park. From the Richmond Bridge, take Hwy 80
> and exit LEFT at Gilman, turn RIGHT on San Pablo for a few blocks, and
> LEFT on Cedar St. 1.5 miles past Shattuck, and park.
> By foot/bicycle: From downtown Berkeley BART, go north on Shattuck, and
> east on Cedar St. This is an easy and safe 15-minute walk.
> To register or for information about speaking or sponsorship, please
> contact:
> Jeff Ubois
> +1 415 850 5431
> [email protected]