join this concept: The "_ This Concept" Project

join this concept: The "_ This Concept" Project

"I'm an idea man Chuck, I get ideas, sometimes I get so many ideas
that I can't even fight them off!… Wait a minute! Why don't they
just mix the mayonnaise with the tuna in the can… HOLD THE PHONE!
Why don't they just FEED the tuna fish mayonnaise! Call Starkist!"
- Bill Blazejowski (_Night Shift_)

"Those who can't do teach. And those who can't teach, teach gym. And,
of course, those who couldn't do anything, I think, were assigned to
our school."
- Alvy Singer (_Annie Hall_)



The Fluxus Performance Workbook:



Why waste your precious energies "making" conceptual art when you
can simply explain your conceptual art projects in the form of
instructions posted to an art mailing list? Crank out twice the
concepts in half the time!

In their heyday, performance artists flooded the commodified market
of the art object with implemented concepts, thus critiquing and
"devaluing" the art object. We aim to flood the commodified market
of the implemented concept with unimplemented concepts, thus
critiquing and "devaluing" the implemented concept. (At least,
that's our concept.)



Stop making conceptual art. Instead, explain your conceptual art
projects in the form of instructions posted to an art mailing list.
Post lots! Make a series:'185

Always cite some prior art precedence, that way you are more likely
to be taken seriously by people who take ciiting prior art
precedences seriously. Always explain your concept, that way youare
more likely to be taken seriously by people who take explaining
concepts seriously. Finally, list your instructions, just in case
anybody ever wants to "do" it.


chicken in the breadpan pickin' out dough,