September Project

Begin forwarded message:

> We are trying to distribute our message to all librarians in all
> countries.
> Please consider forwarding this email below to any and all librarians
> you know – librarians at your local public library, librarians who
> work at your community college, college, or university, librarians you
> know who live overseas, etc. And if you blog, please consider blogging
> this. Thank you,
> david silver
> ***
> [ PLEASE forward this message to a LIBRARIAN near you ]
> The September Project ( ) is a
> grassroots
> effort to encourage public events on freedom, democracy, and
> citizenship in
> libraries on or around September 11. September Project events are
> activities
> of reflection, discussion, and dialogue about the meaning of freedom,
> the role
> of information in promoting active citizenship, and the importance of
> literacy
> in making sense of the world around us. Events take place on September
> 11, on
> the weekend of September 11, or throughout the month of September. In
> other
> words, whenever it works best for your library and community.
> Libraries around the world are collaborating with organizations to
> host public
> and campus events, such as: displays about human rights and historical
> documents; talks and performances about freedom and cultural
> difference; and
> film screenings about issues that matter. Over 100 examples of events
> can be
> found at: For events
> tailored to a more academic audience, please visit:
> Currently, over 160 public, academic, school, and institute libraries
> in 13
> countries are participating. Participating countries include:
> Bangladesh,
> Greece, India, Israel, Italy, Nepal, Serbia and Montenegro, Singapore,
> South
> Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, the US, and Venezuela. You can view a map of
> all
> participating venues here:
> If you plan to offer programs that explore these ideas, please sign
> up. Signing
> up takes a moment and places your library on the map of participants.
> Please
> visit:
> I hope you and your colleagues will consider participating in this
> project, and
> please let me know if you have any questions and suggestions.
> Respectfully,
> david silver
> English:
> Espanol:
> [ if you blog, please consider blogging this ]
> [ if you belong to other lists, please forward ]
> ***
> Que esta haciendo tu biblioteca el 11 de Septiembre 2005?
> El dia 11 de Septiembre, o cerca de esta fecha, gente en muchos paises
> alrededor del mundo se reunieran en espacios publicos como las
> bibliotecas para
> compartir y discutir asuntos que son de vital importancia en el mundo
> que hoy
> vivimos. Vecinos de distintas areas participaran en foros publicos,
> representaciones artisticas, y otras expresiones creativas de temas
> como
> democracia, ciudadania, y libertad. Las bibliotecas proveen el
> perfecto espacio
> para unir y atraer gente: Son espacios libres, publicos, y existen en
> muchas
> partes del mundo. Su participación es gratis. Por favor visite:
> Consulta la lista de bibliotecas participantes; Comparte ideas para
> eventos;
> Inscribe a tu biblioteca.
> Esta cerrada en Domingo? No hay ninguna actividad planeada?
> Muchas bibliotecas estan planeando eventos para el fin de semana del
> 11 de
> septiembre y durante todo el mes de septiembre. Algunas bibliotecas en
> universidades y escuelas estan incluso organizando eventos y
> presentando
> exhibiciones que continuan hasta el siguiente periodo academico.
> El Proyecto Septiembre 11 es una iniciativa de base que tiene como
> proposito
> fomentar eventos publicos en todas las comunidades el dia 11 de
> Septiembre.
> Para mayor informacion por favor contacte a:
> [email protected]
> Espanol:
> English:
> ——————————