
"Cannot perform TELL"
What do people use for text?
Zero commentary
Read Only Files
speaking, of which
OT Harr! Piracy in General
Where has eggplant man gone?
Since we are talkin bugs (DMX04)
Editable text causes extra beginSprite events
OT: Using your brain
Off to C++
Beachballs and repeat loops
Protected External images
dumb 3D question
Tiger woes
Roxio Toast may be fragging your disk burns
Is this the end of Director?
Object Expected
To UDP or not to UDP
The pain of timeout objects
How does a behavior discover its own name?
Well now that the Flash people don't like it…
OT When multimedia was black and white
Can a method know its own name?
Wrapping text around images
Er…just plain weird
Flash doesn't play when offstage?
smooth fade