RRF2005 on detour to EAST'05

global networking project by Agricola de Cologne
announces its participation in
EAST'05 - Making Things Better
at Norwich Gallery Norwich/UK
02 July - 20 August 2005
EAST'05 is an art show,
which tries to bring international aspects of contemporary art
to Norwich/UK. This context is interesting so far,
as there was a curator who selected a handful of projects
which follow quite conservative views on contemporary art.
On the other hand, there is one "EAST'05" project environment
entitled "Making Things Better" (!)
which has the goal to include all those projects,
which were not selected for "EAST'05".
EAST'05 - http://www.east05.net/
Making Things Better - http://www.makingthingsbetter.org/
Contemporary Art Norwich - http://www.can05.co.uk/
In this way, also [R][R][F]2005—>XP became
one project on a long list of participants.
In the framework of "EAST'05" - Making Things Better
[R][R][F]2005—>XP is presented in a mixture of
online and offline components.
To the offline components belongs also the screening of
"SELECTION'04" by VideoChannel
compiled and curated by Agricola de Cologne
more details and the selected artists on
is particularly proud to add to "VideoChannel"
a new contribution of videos from Turkey
on the theme "memory & identity",
curated by Sinasi Gunes (Istanbul) featuring these artists—>
Fatih Balci, Ozge Yilmaz, Burak Bedenlier,
Vicdan Nalbur Tasdemir, Sinasi Gunes and Nancy Atakan
–>details and access to all streaming videos on
"Violence Channel" added a new project—>
"Camouflage Comics - Dirty War Images" by
Aarnoud Rommens and Ingrid Stojnic,
which deal with the time when the military were ruling in Argentina
is still included in "Hilchot Shchenim Chapter C"
at Israeli Digital Art Lab www.digitalartlab.org.il
( until 16 July 2005)
and also "SELECTION'02" by VideoChannel
is streaming 24 hour a day in this occasion—>
Further, [R][R][F]2005—>XP is currently
presenting "SELECTION'03" by VideoChannel
curated by Agricola de Cologne
in Italy as an installation at "Hic et Nunc" San Vito a/Tagliamento
in the North of Venice - http://www.hicetnunc.it
(11 June - 17 July)
details on http://rrf2005.newmediafest.org/vchannel.htm
All info can also be found on
NetEX - networked experience
info & contacts: [email protected]